Monday Morning Job Search

Well, it is Monday Morning and I have shipped everyone off to their designated places and I am back at my desk. Mondays are always the day that I reassess my priorities, where I am at, and what my daily and weekly tasks will be to carry out my goals. I make sure our finances are in order, my workflow is being maintained, and I have a plan to chisel away at my goals each day. One of those plans is my job search. Again, probably best not to try this at work. But it can be tackled at home in the space of a few hours each night. This is what my plan is for today:

1. Apply to 3-5 jobs – This doesn’t like many, but I have been looking for work for a few months now so quality is more important than quantity. I take the time to do thorough searches of job descriptions and the companies they are for. Then I update my résumé and cover letter so that they directly address the hiring manager, company and position being applied to. This is pretty time-consuming, but this is your first impression with a potential employer, so it needs to be good.

2. Job Follow-up – In today’s world, you don’t just have one interview and then BOOM your hired. There are usually several assessments, tests, and then a series of interviews. I have had a few bites here and there and I am going through various stages of the interview processes. So today I need to assess what needs to be completed and respond ASAP. Also, follow-up with some of the companies I have not yet heard back from. This shows your interest in the position is legitimate.

3. write one writing sample – I have yet to hammer out the specifics of this one, but I need to write one clean sample of writing that I can post to my website. Real samples are always better, of course, especially if a potential employer can find them online. But sometimes those are hard to come by, especially if are new to freelance writing, or you have done a lot of ghost writing, which is the dilemma I am having. So I am going to find some writing that I really want to do, and create samples of that work to present to potential clients. This will happen today if time allows.

So I need to do all that and get my regular work done. No small task, but each day will take me closer to my goals! Happy Monday Everybody!

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